W4EAE WinDXmon Download

Update : WinDXmon 16 is available now. This version is a 16 bit nativeapplication and runs under Win 3.X.

WinDxmon 16 v0.1 Beta Zip (183k)

WinDXmon 16 allows you to monitor a DX Cluster without logging in. This reduces the amount of trafficon the cluster and eliminates losing DX spots to "retry exceeded" errors. I usually run into thisproblem during contests... when traffic is highest. I'm sure as Cycle 23 picks up, this will be an evenbigger problem. I tested WinDXmon 16 during the CQWW CW '97 contest and it worked great. I was kickedoff the Cluster because of packet timeouts, but WinDXmon 16 kept track of the DX spots even off-line.

Features :

- Separate Windows for DX spots and Announcements

- 500 line scrollback

- DXClusse support

- Capture Talk messages sent to you

WinDXmon 16 has most of the functionality of WinDXmon 95. Future updates will bring the additional functionalityto WinDXmon 16.

If you have any questions or comments, drop me some email at the address below. I am always looking for ways to improve WinDXmon. Unfortunately, I only have a few computers to test with and can't catch all the bugs, so I relyon users to help me out. If you find a bug, please let me know and I'll fix it and send you an update.


Create a directory called WinDX16 (or whatever you wish). Unzip the file to this directory. WinDX16.EXE is all thatis required.


The first time you run WinDXmon 16, you will be required to select a port before monitoring DXtraffic. The default is Com1, 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit. If your computerand TNC are set up in this configuration, click "Monitor" and the program will start gatheringDX spots and announcements.

If your computer and TNC are set up on a different port, or a different baud rate, click on the Settings|Communications menu item and configure for your setup. Once you set these parameters,you won't need to set them again. They will be stored in WinDX16.ini.

After WinDXmon 16 has been running long enough to see some Cluster traffic, you'll notice thatthe DX Window fills up with spots. Although duplicates of the spot are received, WinDXmonfilters out and displays only one spot in the DX window. If you see more than one spot, the timestamp may be different or another DXer spotted the same DX station.

The Announcement window catches all announcements addressed to "ALL", "LOCAL", "WWV" and a user definable string such as your callsign. The default string callsign is "W4EAE de", (mine) and you can changethis in the WinDX16.ini file under the \Windows directory. Replace W4EAE with you call and you'rein business. The announcement Window also supports DXClusse's Shout and Say announcement strings.For info, email to

w4eae at charter dot net

Downloads since 1 Dec 1997